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Modify floor plan yourself
Add, remove, merge and move booths yourself using our FP Designer and see your floor plan updated instantly. See how to use Floor Plan Designer

Automate booth reservations
See what booth is available and what has been sold, in real time. Let exhibitors make booth reservations or actually pay for it with a credit card right from the floor plan.
Booth reservation/purchase process

Make extra cash
Generate revenue by selling featured listings and floor plan ads. See how to make money with a floor plan.

Exhibitors manage their own profiles
No more endless exhibitor profile corrections. Each exhibitor is given an auto-login link to edit their own company profile. See Auto-Login.

Make attendees happy
Attendees can view the interactive event floor plan on any device and search by company, booth, or category. They can also see company details and bookmark booths without having to sign in. See demo or floor plan features.

We can not respond to questions about particular events - please contact the organizers directly.
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Call us about our floor plans (not events) (201) 389-9042 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm EST/New York time
Email directly to support@expofp.com or use the form below