Veronafiere - Italy®, SaMoTer®, their logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ExpoFP is not associated with these events or companies in any way. Event organizers can request to have the event removed.
SaMoTer 2026
SaMoTer® 2026 in
Veronafiere - Italy®
is an exhibition dedicated to the world of construction equipment.
Get an interactive floor plan to sell booths and navigate around the show
See DemoSaMoTer 2026 3D floor plan
Veronafiere - Italy Hall 7, Hall 8, Hall 9, Hall 10, Hall 12

Use this SaMoTer 2026 3D floor plan on your website for free
If you are an event organizer or an exhibitor of this event your attendees will appreciate if you can clearly show where your event or booth is located. To use this image just copy the HTML code below and paste it into a page on your website
<img src="" alt="SaMoTer 2026 3D floor plan">
<a href="">Floor plan by</a>
License. You are free to use this image as long as you do not modify it and keep the link to our website as shown in the example above.
Veronafiere - Italy Location
V.le del Lavoro 8, Verona
Getting there / Parking / Directions / Transportation
Veronafiere provides access to 12 300 on-site parking lots.
Public Transportation
Veronafiere can be reached by buses 61, 21, 22, 93, 24, 73, 98.
Veronafiere - Italy upcoming events
Date | Event | Hall |
April 6–9, 2025 | Vinitaly | |
October 15–17, 2025 | Oil&nonOil | |
January 28–31, 2026 | Fieragricola | Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 4, Hall 5, Hall 6, Hall 7, Hall 8, Hall 9, Hall 10, Hall 11, Hall 12 |
February 18–21, 2026 | Progetto Fuoco | Hall 2, Hall 3, Hall 4, Hall 5, Hall 6, Hall 7, Hall 8 |
May 6, 2026 | SaMoTer | Hall 7, Hall 8, Hall 9, Hall 10, Hall 12 |