How to configure a custom Gmail server

ExpoFP mail settings page


  • SMTP host:
  • SMTP port: 587
  • Gmail username: your Gmail username
  • Gmail password: your Gmail generated password
  • From name: your name
  • From e-mail: your Gmail address

Note that all of your events will share the same email address when sending emails (i.e., if you have two expos, both of them will send emails via the same address you set).

How to generate a Gmail password

Generate an app password by visiting this page while logging into your Google account.

Turn on 2-Step Verification.

Google account home page


Generate an app password by typing “password” into the search bar and picking App passwords from the list:

Google account home page with "password" typed into search tool


Select Other (Custom name):

App passwords section of Google account


Type in “” and click GENERATE:

App passwords section showing two-step process


Now you have the password for the SMTP mail server.

App password section showing generated password


Send a test message. 

Gmail SMTP settings page with Test button in box


If the test message is sent successfully, everything is set correctly.

Gmail SMTP settings page with Message sent button in box


All the emails sent from now on will be sent via the custom email address (this includes the reservation confirmation, invoice email, invoice payment confirmation, and the auto-login requested to edit exhibitor emails).

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