Hungexpo - Budapest, Hungary®, SiGMA East Europe®, their logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ExpoFP is not associated with these events or companies in any way. Event organizers can request to have the event removed.

SiGMA East Europe 2024

SiGMA East Europe® 2024 in Hungexpo - Budapest, Hungary®

provides an opportunity to learn from experts, explore the latest innovations and network with professionals.

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SiGMA East Europe 2024 3D floor plan

Hungexpo - Budapest, Hungary
SiGMA East Europe 2024 3D floor plan
Floor plan by

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<img src="" alt="SiGMA East Europe 2024 3D floor plan">
<a href="">Floor plan by</a>

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Hungexpo - Budapest, Hungary Location

Albertirsai út 10, Budapest

Getting there / Parking / Directions / Transportation


There are some parking spaces next to the Hungexpo Congress Centre. 

Public Transportation

Hungexpo can be reached via Bus 10 or Metro Line 2 (Pillangó utca station). 

Hungexpo - Budapest, Hungary upcoming events

Date Event Hall
September 15–18, 2024 World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
October 1–3, 2024 ENVIRONTEC
October 10–12, 2024 Aesthetic Congress
October 10–12, 2024 Dental World
October 10–12, 2024 Endodontic Congress
October 10–12, 2024 Implantology Congress
October 10–12, 2024 Orthodontic Congress
October 12, 2024 Digital Dentistry Congress
November 6–8, 2024 Hungarian Battery Week
November 28–30, 2024 ANImashEXPO